Thursday, November 8, 2012

Crappy but Exercised

Workout: 3 jogged miles, THE CORE later if my stomach shapes up

Comin' atcha live from bed! I'm not entirely sure what's up, but after my run my stomach sort of felt like it was going to explode so I opted to spare my coworkers all that and book it home. I've been having stomach issues since I moved back to Alaska a couple of months ago, probably because of my change in diet. Either that or I'm trying to be like the cool kids. Really, though, I guess my digestion's been off since I graduated from college two years ago, which incidentally coincided with a sudden and dramatic decrease in beer consumption. I think there might be a connection there.

Anyway, despite stomach shittiness (heh), I ran today. Three miles. My legs felt awesome and I ran 9:40, 9:16, and 9:12 without even trying. Two days ago when I kept it easy, I was running like 10:30 miles. I'm not sure how that happens. My muscles have been a bit sore this week from 7-hour hikesFlattop, and THE CORE, but I haven't felt it at all while running. No dead legs or anything. I have to say, it's a great feeling. And today, as soon as I finished 3 miles my legs completely forgot I did them. I guess I am getting stronger, despite not being able to run much. The shin also felt great, which was a plus. Apparently this whole "plan" thing has some merit to it.

I had quite an audience while I was running. I ran later than usual, so there were more people walking by and more people apparently fascinated by the girl who runs around the ice rink. I'm not totally sure why since it's the designated "jogging track," but I guess people don't take advantage of it much. There was one brave soul who joined for for two laps (2/10 mile), but he apparently decided that was enough of that.

I have no pictures for you today so here's an Anchorage-y photo:

Taken from work yesterday. Beautiful sunrise.

Oh, and one more of a sad, crushed phone I saw in the parking lot today. You'll notice I was wearing my Michelin Man shoes

Happy Thursday!


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